TGIF! I cannot express just how excited I am right now to actually be on the verge of the weekend! I  just need a break...more so mentally and just some more sleep! Things are pretty crazy right now so I have been a little more careful to make sure I get plenty of sleep and rest so I don't make myself sick again (Or I am at least trying)!! It's really tough when you are burning the candle at both ends so to speak but I know for my health I absolutely must take those times. Being sick was really an awful way to spend a day off  so last night I went to bed an hour and a half earlier than the usual and honestly while a little tired, I feel rested and relieved today!! Just like you need to restart your computer, sleep does that for the human body so make sure you get some :-)

Anyways I wanted to go through some time management stuff today because the biggest kick I hear lately is I don't have time and a lot of variations of that!

Ways to "find" time in the day to be healthy:
~First let me tell won't find time for things. There are always a million things that need done and until you decide your health, workouts, and body are important there won't be time. You see, we are a really busy people these days, constantly connected and never just taking time. So step number one make it a priority "no matter what comes up today I will work out"

~Schedule the time just like a doctor's appointment or a meeting with your boss. This time is mandatory and actually fun!! It's just for you and you deserve it!

~Stay active all day. Take the stairs, park further away from the store, get up every half hour to stretch and move.

~If you do not have a lot of time squeeze in a mini-work out! Something is always better than nothing!!

Here is one in case you are ever in a pinch!

Equipment free work out:
Speed squats- 50 reps
tricep dips on floor- 40 reps
walking lunges- 50 reps
x jacks- 20 reps
x push ups- 20 reps
russian twists- 40 reps
1 min plank (3x)

repeat 2x!

Happy Friday!

So tell me what do you do to find the time to exercise?

Sleep and rest are so so so under rated in a good training regimen! Without these key features you are very unlikely to progress and move forward and here is why!

Just like a computer your body needs to shut down and reboot to process your day mentally but also to heal after the beating your workouts put on the body. Micro tears form in the muscle tissues and therefore need to heal so you can get stronger! No rest = no healing = no strength gain = higher risk of injury.

To clean out the toxins! You put foods in your body each day and whether they are healthy or not your body must clean out toxins from unhealthy foods as well as the chemicals, free radicals, and other harmful elements we come into contact with each day!


With the weather and times changing for most of us I know this time of year is an easy one to start slacking on workouts and eating healthy BUT trust me you do NOT want to do that!! This is the time of year most people pack on an average of 10 pounds with all the eating, not working out and just being plain old tired! Not only those things to keep in mind BUT cold and flu season are bearing down…these all increase your chances of illness as well!!

Avoid it:

~Workout most days of the week (shoot for a minimum of 3-4)

~Drink your shakeology! With all the nutrients and vitamins in it you are adding a nice little immunity booster into your life!

~Schedule the workouts so you do not have a chance of skipping them

~Find healthier alternatives to some of your favorite recipes

~Buddy up! Keep each other on track and make it fun!!